Innovative citizen science experiment to collect fire information
and improve the knowledge of fire risk
FireAware is a Citizen Science experiment whose main goal is to fight fire hazard by raising collective awareness about fire danger. More specifically, this new crowdsensing application for iOS devices allows citizens to take an active role by simply sending a geo-referenced real time notification any time they spot a fire on the Italian territory.
For each notification, the user will only have to specify the intensity (low, medium, high) and distance from the fire (short, medium, long) and the app will automatically send the user position to the FireAware Database (geolocation services must be turned on to use FireAware). By doing this very simple action, citizens will help us create the FireAware Database on top of which aggregated statistics will be inferred and made available to the general public through the CMCC Foundation applications and/or web services. The App collects data useful to perform statistical fire analyses over the country. In this regard, all collected information is completely anonymous and is not associated with the user.
It is worth noting that the App is not meant to replace any national emergency number/service. In case of fire, users are encouraged to report any fire danger situation to the competent authorities through the official channels (dial 115 for the National Fire Service).
FireAware has been developed by the CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) Foundation, within the scope of the project OFIDIA 2 – Operational FIre Danger prevention plAtform 2. The project, which started in March 2018 and lasts 24 months, is co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.), under the Interreg V-A Greece – Italy 2014-2020 Programme.
FireAware has been developed by the CMCC Foundation in the context of the Operational FIre Danger prevention plAtform 2 (OFIDIA2) project under the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, Contract No. I1/2.2/02.
Download FireAware for free on the App Store:
The Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme is a European Territorial Cooperation Programme that aims to get maximum return from EUR 123.176.896 of co-funding per 85% by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and per 15% by the two member states (Italy and Greece) through a national co-financing. The Programme aims to help public institutions and local stakeholders to develop cross-border projects and growth strategies, with the objective of creating a dynamic economy based on smart, sustainable and inclusive systems with the final goal to improve citizens’ quality of life.