CMCC Foundation (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) is a research organization that conducts and promotes scientific and applied activities within the scope of international climate change research. CMCC aims to gain in-depth knowledge of climate variability, along with the causes and consequences, through the development of high-resolution simulations using global models of the Earth System as well as regional models, focusing in particular on the Mediterranean area. The specific objective of these research studies is to provide scientifically reliable, rigorous and updated results that will help to investigate, know and represent the interactions between the climate system, the marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and society.
Prof. Giovanni Aloisio
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Prof. Giovanni Aloisio
OFIDIA2 Project Coordinator / WP1 Leader
Giovanni Aloisio is full professor of Information Processing Systems at the Dept. of Innovation Engineering of the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
He is also a member of the Strategic Committee at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), as well as the director of the CMCC Supercomputing Center.
His main scientific interests include high performance computing, grid & cloud computing and distributed data management.[/ultimate_modal]
Sandro Fiore
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Sandro Fiore
Senior Scientist and Head of the Data Science and Learning Research Group at the Advanced Scientific Computing Division of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation, Italy. He holds 15 years’ experience in scientific data management topics with a comprehensive knowledge of databases, big data, high performance data analytics, parallel and distributed computing. He is also Visiting Scientist at the University of Chicago (CS Department).
Maria Mirto
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Maria Mirto
Maria works as a Scientist at the ASC division of the CMCC. Her research interests include the design and development of distributed data management, distributed monitoring systems, decision support system and GIS for climate change.[/ultimate_modal]
Alessandra Nuzzo
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Alessandra Nuzzo
Alessandra joined the Advanced Scientific Computing division of the CMCC Foundation in 2013. Her activities mainly focus on the design and development of user-driven applications and software components in the context of climate change, with particular reference to visual analytics tools (portals, desktop and mobile applications) coupling interactive graphical representations with underlying analytical processes and workflows.
Alessandro D'Anca
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Alessandro D’Anca
Alessandro D’Anca is a Scientist at CMCC Foundation and Director of the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division. His research activities focus on high performance computing, distributed and grid computing, and in particular on distributed data management, data analytics/mining and high-performance database management. He has been involved in many national and international projects working on development, project or scientific management and coordination tasks.
Cosimo Palazzo
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Cosimo Palazzo
Cosimo joined the CMCC in July 2012. His activities concern the design, development and performance analysis of software solutions for scientific data analysis in the context of climate change. He is the author of several papers published in international journals and proceedings of international conferences.[/ultimate_modal]
Donatello Elia
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Donatello Elia
Donatello Elia holds a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology and a M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering. In 2013, he joined the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) division at the CMCC Foundation and he has been involved in various European projects.
His main research interests include high performance, cloud and distributed computing, data-intensive analytics (HPDA), big and scientific data management.[/ultimate_modal]
Antonio Aloisio
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Antonio Aloisio
Antonio joined CMCC in October 2017. He holds a degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures and a specialization in LSP (languages for special purposes). He has carried out his post-degree research activity focusing on CSI (culture-specific items) translation.
He has been working as a professional translator for more than ten years now, providing language advice for the drafting, translation and editing of research papers, project deliverables, technical and scientific reports. He holds a technical and managerial position to support the activities of the ASC Division, including project management tasks within the scope of national and international projects.
Laura Conte
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Laura Conte
Laura Conte is a Post-Doc researcher at the Advanced Scientific Computing (ASC) Division of CMCC. She graduated in “Biological Sciences” in 2003 and received a Ph.D. in “Biology and Biotechnologies” in 2007. During her research activity, she has developed a well-documented experience in the field of biochemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics; over the last years, her work has been focusing on data management in the context of climate change. She currently works as Division Manager at the ASC Division and she is involved in the scientific and administrative management of several national and international projects.[/ultimate_modal]
Giovanni Coppini
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Giovanni Coppini
Giovanni Coppini holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University of Bologna. Since 2003 he’s been working as Technologist at INGV in the operational oceanography division, where he was responsible for environmental applications such as oil spill forecasting and environmental indicators.
He has been representing INGV and then CMCC in the European Topic Centre – Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (ETC-ICM) project of the European Environment Agency and in MyOcean as responsible for the liaisons with Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Ocean Service (MyOcean) and the development of climate and environmental indicators. He has being representing INGV in the collaboration agreement among INGV and Italian Coast Guard.
He has been managing director in MFSTEP EU project and has contributed to the management of several international Projects.
He is the Emergency Response Office (ERO) Manager in the Mediterranean Oceanography Network for GOOS (MONGOOS) and Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) collaboration Agreement.
Since 2004 he was collaborating in the management of the Italian National Group of Operational Oceanography (8 Institutes). Since 2012 he is co-chair of MONGOOS.[/ultimate_modal]
Giorgia Verri
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Giorgia Verri
Giorgia Verri holds a M.Sc. Degree in Physics at the University of Salento, obtained in 2009. She holds a II level Master in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies, obtained in 2011 at La Sapienza University.
In 2016 she got a Ph.D. in Environmental Science focused on Predictability studies for Regions of freshwater influence.
As previous working experiences, she developed an integrated modeling system for wind energy forecasting at Enel Engineering and Innovation Division and she contributed to the development of an Operational System for wind energy and solar energy prediction at GSE SpA.
Since 2012 she has been employed at CMCC, where in the framework of TESSA (Development of Technology for the “Situational Sea Awareness”) and IONIO (IONian Integrated marine Observatory) projects, she worked on the implementation and development of a regional ocean model for the Adriatic and Ionian Sea based on NEMO code.
She spent 6 months as visitor at National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado.
The current research activity is focused on (a) regional ocean modeling, (b) integrated modeling approach for representing the local water cycle of catchments including atmosphere, hydrology and ocean (c) estuarine dynamics.[/ultimate_modal]
Rita Lecci
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Rita lecci
Rita is a Junior Scientist at Ocean Predictions and Applications (OPA) division of CMCC Foundation.
She is the responsible of operational group working in the field of operational oceanography in the framework of several international/national projects.
She is the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea MFCs Service Manager and the Local Service Desk Responsible for Mediterranean MFC for Copernicus Marine Service. She is the Project Manager for CMCC of EUCISE2020 and AMAre projects and the Scientific Responsible for CMCC for EMODnet MedSea Checkpoint project.
She is a lecturer in “Applications and Services in Operational Oceanography” at University of Malta for the Master of Science in Applied Oceanography.
She joined to different oceanographic research cruises in order to collect marine observational data.
She holds a M.Sc. degree in “Marine Environmental Sciences and Oceanography” from Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, and, in 2012, she obtained a Ph.D. degree in “Science and management of climate change” from Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, discussing a thesis on the analysis of the Atlantic Ocean circulation in response to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.[/ultimate_modal]
Sergio Cretì
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Sergio Cretì
Latest publications
- A multi-service data management platform for scientific oceanographic products
- VISIR: technological infrastructure of an operational service for safe and efficient navigation in the Mediterranean Sea
- Regional approach to modeling the transport of floating plastic debris in the Adriatic Sea
Valentina Bacciu
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Valentina Bacciu
Degree in Natural Sciences (2004), and PhD in “Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology of Agricultural and Forestry Systems” (2009) at the University of Sassari.
In 2008, research assistant at the Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula (MT, USA), focusing on statistical and geostatistical analysis within the FUELVAR project.
Since 2010, Co-Division Manager and researcher of IAFENT Division (Impacts of Climate Changes on Agriculture, Forests and Natural Ecosystems) at CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change). From 2010 to 2013, CMCC Project Manager for FP7 FUME Project, also conducting scientific research on the relationship between weather/climate and fire and on fire risk evaluation throughout the identification of major key driver of fire at local and national scale.
Her research activity is focused on the analysis of:
– wildland fire regime and relationships between weather/climate and fire;
– modeling fire emissions;
– evaluate adaptation strategies to climate change in natural environment;
– sampling and mapping fuel characteristics.
She collaborated and collaborates to the scientific and technical management of several International, EC, National and Regional funded projects (e.g. FUME 2010-2013, Proterina-C 2009-2012, PRIN 2012, EXTREME 2012-2015).[/ultimate_modal]
Costantino Sirca
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Costantino Sirca
Degree in Agricultural Sciences at University of Sassari, Italy (1994). PhD on Agrometeorology (2001).
He is currently a researcher at the University of Sassari-DipNET and collaborator of CMCC-IAFENT Division since 2009.
The main steps of his career are: 1995-96 fellowship at the National Research Council, Institute of Biometeorology, Italy; 1996-98 contract for research activities, University of Sassari; 2001-2005 and 2008-2010 post doc fellowship, University of Sassari; 2006-2008 fellowship funded by Sardinian regional Government.
He has several years of experience in international and national research project, and actually is scientific responsible of DipNET in the EU FP7 Project FUME – Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire-affected areas of the word. His main research field are related to:
- – Agrometeorology and Micrometeorology. Specialised in mass and energy flux monitoring techniques (e.g. Eddy Covariance) and flux data analysis on agricultural and natural ecosystems;
– Ecophysiology. Plant- water relationship, particularly on Mediterranean ecosystems under water stress;
– Wildfire danger and behaviour modeling. Fire danger model development, fuel characterization, fire data analysis, fire-weather relationships;
– Soil respiration and carbon dynamics. Modeling of soil C pools fluxes in agricultural and natural ecosystems
– Climate change impacts. Assessment of CC impacts on vegetation, land use, wildfire regimes, soil, agriculture. Climate and environment manipulation experiments.
Donatella Spano
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Donatella Spano
Donatella Spano is Full Professor and Scientific Coordinator of the PhD program in Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology of Agricultural and Forestry Ecosystems at University of Sassari.
Currently she is also serving as Regional Minister for the Protection of the Environment – Sardinia Regional Government.
She is a Senior Member of the Strategic Council of the Euro Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC). She is a Founding Member and President of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC).
She graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Sassari, where she also followed a three year Post Doctoral program specializing in Biometeorology.
During the period 2009 – 2014 she has served as Pro-Rector for Research at the University of Sassari. She has also served as a Member of the Research Commission of the Conference of Italian Universities Rectors (CRUI), and a Member of the Work Group on the Internal Evaluation of Universities.
During the period 2007 – 20014 she has served as Deputy Director of the Impacts on Agriculture, Forest, and Natural Ecosystems (IAFENT) Division at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC).
Prof. Spano is also a member of the Coordination Committee of the PhD School in Global Science and Policy (ChangeS), a consortium of three Italian universities (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, University of Salento and University of Sassari).
She is responsible for the scientific cooperation agreement with University of California-Davis, where she conducts research activities since 1993.
Prof. Spano is Member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), International Society for Biometeorology (ISB), International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Italian Society for Horticultural Science (SOI), and Italian Society for Agrometeorology (AIAM). She is also an active Member of the ISB Study Group on measuring fluxes of trace gases.
Since 2006 she is coordinating the Agrometeorology and Ecophysiology Laboratory at University of Sassari, leading a scientific team of 25 staff including research scientists, post-docs, and PhD students. She is involved in challenging and cutting-edge biometeorological research, particularly in the development of micrometeorolgical methodology for assessing energy and mass exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere (Surface Renewal).
She was a pioneer in the advance of phenolological models contributing in the assessment of chill species requirement and temperature-based model for degree-days calculations.
Prof. Spano is involved in European and international research activities on the assessment of impact of climate change on crop production and climate change manipulation experiment in the Mediterranean environment. Prof. Spano is also leading several research activities on modelling fire behaviour (danger and propagation). She served as expert and consultant to the World Bank, Government of California, European Environment Agency, and Italian Civil Protection. Prof. Spano has chaired over 40 doctoral and master theses.
In 2012 she has been awarded the medal of the University of Sassari for best scientific production. In 2001 she was co-recipient of the “Best Practice Paper” award of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Prof. Spano is actively involved in several EU projects aiming at the assessment of climate change adaptation, identification of sustainable farming strategies, setting up an integrated system for the quantification of net CO2 exchanges and evaluation of mitigation strategies at the urban and territorial levels, as well as the setup of methodologies and support systems for the evaluation of fire risk in extreme meteorological conditions.
Prof. Spano has published in several international and national journals and books. She is Member of the Editorial Board of the Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Journal and Member of the Editorial Board of the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology. She is also a peer reviewer for the Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Journal, International Journal of Biometeorology, Tree Physiology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Acta Horticulturae, Italian Journal of Agronomy.[/ultimate_modal]
Buonocore Mauro
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Mauro Buonocore
Mauro Buonocore is head of the Communication and Media Office at CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change. He focuses his activities on the dissemination of the scientific research outcomes, climate change, sustainable development, and the implications of such topics on the media and the public opinion. Mauro runs the CMCC’s press office, the institutional communication, and coordinates the digital magazine Foresight – the CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures. He also edits the CMCC blog on the platform BlogItalia which is published by AGI, contributes to Tuttogreen (La Stampa), and is member of the Scientific Council of the Italian Climate Network.[/ultimate_modal]
Laura Caciagli
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Laura Caciagli
Laura Caciagli is a biologist and a science journalist at the CMCC Foundation (CMCC – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change), in Lecce (Italy).
She writes articles for TEC, the CMCC’s blog about climate change and policy. She manages the facebook, instagram, twitter and LinkedIn pages of the CMCC research project MEDNICE, and she is further involved in the collaboration on the different activities of the CMCC’s Communication Office.
She writes for Italian newspapers, such as Le Scienze (the Italian edition of Scientific American), BIO ECO GEO, an Italian magazine about Ecology and Environment, and Galileo, an online journal about science and technology.
She worked as freelancer at external relations, media and communication unit (Unità Relazioni Esterne, Media e Comunicazione) of CNR of Pisa since the January 2012.
She was mainly involved in the organization of the first edition of the “Internet festival”, and in the different activities of communication of the Press Office of CNR, especially in supporting the design and development of multimedia products and interviews, and in writing articles about ICT and Internet for the CNR’s newsletter, It was even of her concern writing and editing the bimonthly newsletter of SERIT (Security Research in Italy), a joint initiative on Homeland Security of CNR and Finmeccanica.
Laura graduated with honours in Biology (2003) at the University of Pisa; she holds also a PhD in Evolutionistic Biology (2008).
She attended the Master in Science Communication at SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste (Italy), in 2009 – 2011, discussing on February 2012 a thesis entitled: “Siamo tutti orsi polari: le nuove narrative della comunicazione ambientale per affrontare le sfide globali”. The thesis focused on climate change communication and its role in the public debate, exploring in particular its crucial role in the relationship between experts, journalists and citizens.
On June 25, 2014, she earned the Master’s degree in European Project Planning at EuropaCube – Innovation Business School in Bologna, Italy (attendance: 28-30 October, 2013).[/ultimate_modal]
Lucia Luperto
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Lucia Luperto
Lucia Luperto joined the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) in November 2011, where she currently supports the press office and events organization activities in the communication office.
She graduated in Communications at the University of Bologna (2005) and obtained a Master’s degree in international cooperation at the Roma Tre University (2008); in her previous positions she focused on social communication, advocacy processes and social marketing, working in the non-profit and international cooperation sector.[/ultimate_modal]
Lorenzo Tarricone
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Lorenzo works at the Communications Office of CMCC as a graphic designer.[/ultimate_modal]
University of Ioannina
The University of Ioannina is a research university operating since 1964 in the city of Ioannina, Greece. It consists of 15 departments and about 475 full-time faculty members spanning the entire range of scientific disciplines from engineering, medicine, and natural sciences to economics, social sciences, education and fine arts. The Research Committee of the university has the legal responsibility to manage the research funding and supervise the related research, training and technological development programs. For more info:
Computer Systems Laboratory
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Stergios Anastasiadis, Associate Professor
Giorgos Kappes, PhD Candidate
Panagiotis Bakochristos, PhD Candidate
Evangelos Dimoulis, MSc Student
Giannis Bakos, MSc Student
Anargyros Katsouliers, MSc Student
Theofanis Balaskas, Software Engineer
Prof. S. Anastasiadis
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Prof. Stergios Anastasiadis
Stergios Anastasiadis is associate professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and director of the Computer Systems Laboratory at the University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece. His research interests include operating systems, file and storage systems, privacy and security, and internet technologies. For more info:[/ultimate_modal]
Giorgos Kappes
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Giorgos Kappes
Giorgos Kappes is currently a Doctoral candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina, Greece. He holds a M.Sc degree in Computer Systems and a B.Sc degree from the above department. His research activities include the design, development, and evaluation of system software for cloud environments. His research interests include operating systems, data storage, and systems security.[/ultimate_modal]
Anargyros Katsoulieris
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Anargyros Katsoulieris
Anargyros Katsoulieris was born in Athens, Greece. He earned a Bachelor of Engineering from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Ioannina in 2018. Currently, he participates in the OFIDIA 2 project while he pursues a Master’s degree in Advanced Computer Systems. His research interests focus on data virtualization, operating systems and systems security.[/ultimate_modal]
Giannis Bakos
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Giannis BakosYiannis Mpakos is MSc candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina and member of the Computer Systems Lab. Previously, he obtained B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the same department. In the Ofidia2 project he is responsible for query analysis and optimization.[/ultimate_modal]
Theofanis Balaskas
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Theofanis Balaskas
Theofanis Balaskas was born in Ioannina, Greece. He has studied Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Ioannina. Currently, he is member of the Computer Systems Lab and participates in the Ofidia 2 Project as Software Engineer focusing on the implementation of the Data Management Platform.[/ultimate_modal]
P. Bakochristos
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ css_modal_box=”.vc_custom_1583321850652{margin-top: 20% !important;}”]Panagiotis Bakochristos
Panagiotis Bakochristos is PhD Candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina and member of the Computer Systems Lab. He holds a BSc degree in Computer Science and Engineering that he earned from the same department in 2019. In the Ofidia2 project he is responsible for the Integration, Testing and Validation of the web application platform.[/ultimate_modal]
Evangelos Dimoulis
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Evangelos Dimoulis
Evangelos Dimoulis is a MSc candidate at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering from the same Department in 2019. His research interests include operating systems, data storage and systems security. In the Ofidia2 project he is responsible for the implementation of the Data Management Platform.[/ultimate_modal]
Laboratory of Meteorology
Department of Physics
Aristeidis Bartzokas, Professor
Christos Lolis, Assistant Professor
Dimitrios Chaskos, PhD Candidate
Elias Houssos, Postdoctoral Researcher
Georgios Kotsias, PhD Candidate
Prof. A. Bartzokas
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Prof. Aristeidis Bartzokas
Aristides Bartzokas is a Professor of Meteorology and Climatology in the Department of Physics, of the University of Ioannina, Greece and Director of the Laboratory of Meteorology. He has studied Physics (Bsc) in Thessaloniki University and Meteorology and Climatology in Birmingham University (MSc) and Ioannina University (PhD). His research interests are: Synoptic Meteorology-Climatology, Dynamical Meteorology, Biometeorology, Climate Change, Statistical Climatology, Atmospheric and Environmental Physics and the Weather Forecast. He has supervised many MSc dissertations and PhD theses and he is the co-author of two university text books. A list of his publications can be found in[/ultimate_modal]
Prof. Christos Lolis
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Prof. Christos Lollis
Christos Lolis is Assistant Professor in the Physics Department of the Ioannina University. His main research interests include Meteorology and Climatology with a focus on Mediterranean climate, weather forecast and extreme weather events. His main teaching experience include undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics. He has published 45 papers in international scientific journals, he has participated in many national and international conferences with 44 oral or poster presentations and his work has been cited more than 480 times (h-index = 13). He has participated in international research projects about weather and fire danger forecasts and biometeorology. He has international collaborations with scientists from Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey.
Dr. Elias Houssos
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Dr. Elias Houssos
Dr. Elias E. Houssos holds a Bachelor Degree in Physics, M.Sc. in Meteorology and Climatology and a PhD in Meteorology Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (University of Ioannina). His research activities are focused on the study of the atmospheric circulation characteristics that favor the occurrence of adverse weather, extreme atmospheric conditions and natural hazards in a regional scale, such as hot waves, extreme precipitation, heavy aerosol loads, sandstorms, wildfires etc. Since the year 2014, Dr. Elias Houssos has been teaching Meteorology and Physics in the Hellenic Army Academy (2014 – 2017) and in the Non Commissioned Officer Army Academy (2018 – 2019) as adjunct lecturer.
Dimitrios Chaskos
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Dimitrios Chaskos was born in Ioannina, Greece. He studied Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Ioannina. He also attended postgraduate studies on Meteorology – Climatology and Physics of the Atmospheric Environment at the same department. He is currently a PhD candidate at the Physics Department of the University of Ioannina. He works as a postgraduate researcher on the OFIDIA2 project in the part of “Fire and Weather Modeling”, specifically on the installation and calibration of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) in NW Greece.
Georgios Kotsias
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Georgios Kotsias
Mr. Georgios Kotsias is a PhD student in Meteorology and Climatology at the University of Ioannina. He has studied Physics and he has a M.Sc. in Atmospheric Sciences and the Environment. His research interests mainly include Climatology and Weather Forecast. He has two publications in international scientific journals and one presentation at an international conference.[/ultimate_modal]
Decentralized Administration of Epirus-Western Macedonia (DAEWM)
The Decentralized Administration of Epirus-Western Macedonia (DAEWM) is one of the seven decentralized government organizations which were created in 2011 as part of the reform of the country’s administrative structure. It enjoys both administrative and financial autonomy and exercises devolved state powers in urban planning, environmental and energy policy, forestry, migration and citizenship. The Decentralized Administration is led by a Coordinator and it is considered the senior representative of the national government in the region of Epirus and Western Macedonia.
The General Directorate of Forests and Rural Affairs is one of the three General Directorates of DAEWM, which is involved in the implementation of the OFIDIA2 project through its provincial Forest Authorities. Its main objective is to promote sustainable development of forests and develop best management practices in the fields of forest land protection, wood and non-wood production, afforestation, recreation, biodiversity conservation and other non market products and services. As a result of climate change and its projected effects, the topic of effective prevention and protection of forest resources, especially from wildfires, arises high in its priorities.
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
Vasileios Michelakis
Holds a diploma in Architectural Engineering and he is the Coordinator of the Decentralized Administration of Epirus – Western Macedonia (DAEWM),[/ultimate_modal]
Nikolaos Papaeuthimiou
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Nikolaos Papaeuthimiou
Holds a diploma in Forestry and he is the head of the General Directorate of Forests and Rural Affairs (DFRA),
Xenophon Markantonatos
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Xenophon Markantonatos
Holds a diploma in Agriculture, a PhD in Animal Science and he is the head of the Directorate of Rural Affairs of Epirus (DRAE),
Konstantinos Papageorgiou
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Konstantinos Papageorgiou
Holds a diploma in Forestry, a PhD in Protected Area Management and he is the head of the Department for the Protection of Forest Resources in DCSF,
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]
Evangelos Loutas
Holds a diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, MSc in Information Systems, Msc in Construction Management and he is head of the Department of Informatics,
Anny Kolovou
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Anny Kolovou
Holds a diploma in Literature, MSc in Marketing and Communication and she works in the Department of Financial Management,[/ultimate_modal]
Evaggelia Vassila
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″ btn_txt_color=”#ffffff”]Evaggelia Vassila
Holds a diploma in Agriculture, Msc in Chemical & Food Technology and she works in the Department of Agricultural Holdings and Fisheries in DRAE,[/ultimate_modal]
Civil Protection Department - Apulia Region
The Civil Protection Department of the Apulia Region carries out civil protection activities for the safeguarding of the population, infrastructure and the environment, also by means of the SOIR (Integrated Regional Operations Room), SOUP (Permanent Unified Operations Room) and CFD (Regional Functional Center) operating structures.
Moreover, the Regional Civil Protection Department plans and implements the regional programs of forecasting and prevention of natural and anthropic risks and also the regional initiatives aimed at coordinating the active fight against forest fires in the period of highest danger.
The Civil Protection Department of the Apulia Region also plans and implements initiatives aimed at maintaining and managing the Regional List of Voluntary Civil Protection Associations, and promotes training and information activities on civil protection culture as well.
Dr. Lucio Pirone
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Lucio Pirone is an official of the Apulia Region, in charge of the SOIR and SOUP operating structures responsible for performing coordination and emergency management activities within the Regional Civil Protection Department. He graduated in Forest and Natural Environment and is an expert in Natural Risk Planning and prediction and prevention of forest fires.[/ultimate_modal]
Eng. Ivana Caputo
[ultimate_modal btn_size=”md” btn_bg_color=”#017d94″ modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Read” modal_size=”medium” overlay_bg_color=”#017d94″ overlay_bg_opacity=”50″]Ivana Caputo received her degree in Computer Engineering in 2006. She is an official of the Apulia Region and works at CFD, which is the operating structure responsible for the prediction of the nature and intensity of forest fires and their expected impact on the territory, as well as environmental monitoring/surveillance and alerting of the population on the regional territory.[/ultimate_modal]